Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Physical, Social and Mental Obstacles in Eudora...

â€Å"A Worn Path† by Eudora Welty is a short story in which fulfills all aspects of literary connotations. Phoenix Jackson’s only true motivation to keep living was to help keep her young grandson live. While there are a multitude of literary elements and devices splurged throughout the story, some of the first ones to spot make the biggest impact. Phoenix Jackson’s name is revealed in the first three lines of text, and leads the reader to make an immediate assumption. She makes this trek over and over again, continuously, and as she nears the end of her life she will nourish her own son back to health. Her journey to Natchez is filled with a multitude of impediments, but can mainly be broken down into the physical, social, and mental†¦show more content†¦Phoenix powers through all of these harsh situations with a force powered not so much by physical ability, but by the love she has for her grandson. The social obstacles she faces do not make up a great part of the story, but is the one factor that dominates her trip. Phoenix encounters the white hunter on her way to Natchez. Her age and race lead the young white man to mock her, but have a certain sympathy for her. He realizes she is adamant on achieving her goal to go into town, and passes by her at the realization. While in town she is subject to the direct ridicule of the secretary in the pharmacy. The racial barriers present in this time period makes Phoenix’s ordeal even that much harder. She lives in extreme poverty, but does what she must in order to survive. The receptionist realizes that Phoenix is both illiterate and nearly blind, but instead of aiding her she scolds her for not speaking and stating her reason for being in the building. The mental obstacles Phoenix faces are terrifying. Along her path into town, her own mind tricks her into seeing many objects and figures that are not physically present. She knows the trip into town will be long and tiresome, but her mind overcomes her well-being and tricks her into making up things that would distract her from her ultimate goal. PhoenixShow MoreRelatedPhoenix Jackson in A Worn Path Essay499 Words   |  2 PagesPhoenix Jackson in A Worn Path â€Å"’Out of my way, all you foxes, owls, beetles, jack rabbits, coons and wild animals!†¦ Keep the big wild hogs out of my path. Don’t let none of those come running my direction. I got a long way’† (116). Through the character of Phoenix Jackson in â€Å"A Worn Path† Welty produces a picture of an aging African-American woman in the Jim Crow South. In â€Å"A Worn Path† we learn of the hardships Jackson faces on her weekly journey for medicine to sooth the pain ofRead MoreThe Road Not Taken, by Robert Frost and A Worn Path, by Eudora Welty2347 Words   |  10 Pagesforms. For this assignment, I have chosen to compare and contrast two separate literary works from â€Å"Journey into Literature† (Clugston, 2010), with similar themes. . The poems I will discuss are â€Å"The Road Not Taken†, by Robert Frost and â€Å"A Worn Path†, by Eudora Welty. I have chosen these works over the others in our course text because they both offer a deeper look at life, from an outside perspective, as the reader looks into the lives of the main characters and relates with the journeys they are

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Essay on Janes Resilience to Events in Jane Eyre

Janes Resilience to Events in Jane Eyre The novel Jane Eyre was written by Charlotte Bronte in the 1840’s. Put simply, it is the story of a woman who began her life with nothing but aspired, against the odds, to gain recognition and a better social status. Moreover, it is about her ability to cope with situations and make decisions that affect her life and others. Through these qualities it is possible to describe her as a heroine. This essay will aim to show how Bronte conveys Jane’s resilience – her ability to cope and repel suffering – to the audience. It will also show how Bronte shows how Jane could be considered a heroine; not in the clichà ©d sense of fighting evil but more like her ability to choose good over evil,†¦show more content†¦Bronte is showing just how terrified Jane is of him. The first big incident in the novel happens when John finds Jane reading one of his books. Bronte has him assert his superiority and he calls her a â€Å"rat† which shows his contempt for Jane, and that he sees her as less than human. He then proceeds to hit her. She regains her balance, hands John the book she was reading (by his orders) and then returns to the windowsill. Then, suddenly, John throws the book at Jane and it hits her, knocking her down which makes her lose control of her actions – â€Å"my terror had passed its climax; other feelings succeeded†. Bronte presents Jane as terrified which makes her reply even more heroic: â€Å"’wicked and cruel boy’ I said. ‘You are like a murderer – you are like a slave-driver – you are like the Roman Emperors!’† This sudden outburst shows that even though she was deeply scared, she was able to stand up to John. Bronte is showing Jane’s resilience to the torment of an oppressor and also a quality of heroism – bravery. After the attack, Jane is taken upstairs to the Red Room – which Bronte describes as a very haunting, sinister place that people don’t like to stay in because it was where Mr. Reed died – â€Å"a sense of dreary consecration had guarded it from frequent intrusion†. Bronte has Jane, Bessie and Abbot arrive at the Red Room with Jane still resisting and protestingShow MoreRelated Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontà « Essays1647 Words   |  7 PagesJane Eyre Jane Eyre, a classic Victorian novel by Charlotte Brontà «, is regarded as one of the finest novels in English literature. The main character, Jane Eyre, demonstrates a strong need to be herself, a young girl trying to retain all the individuality possible for a dependent of her time. Although this effort guides her to a passionate and impulsive nature, Jane is still willing to accept change in her life knowing it may not always seem the most pleasant. Her tolerance of change beginsRead MoreGothic Elements of Jane Eyre by Emily Bronte Essay2208 Words   |  9 PagesGothic Elements of Jane Eyre by Emily Bronte The term Gothic was popularly used in the late 18th century and throughout the 19th century and came to mean wild or barbaric. It was used to describe a distinct style of literature, which, in contrast to the strict moral codes of the time, allowed the author to introduce a novel full of wildness, passion and fantasy and to thrill their readers with tales of supernatural events and forbidden love. Gothic novels wereRead More The Subtle Truth of Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre Essay2221 Words   |  9 PagesThe Subtle Truth of Jane Eyre      Ã‚  Ã‚   The role of a woman in Victorian England was an unenviable one. Social demands and personal desires were often at cross-purposes. This predicament was nothing new in the 19th century, yet it was this period that would see the waters begin to stir in anticipation of the cascading changes about to shake the very foundation of an empire on the brink of global colonization and industrialization. The question of what role women would play in this transformation

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Human Resource Management Models †

Question: Discuss about the Human Resource Management Models. Answer: Introduction In the current business scenario, effective human resource management is important due to the reason that, the goodwill and competitive advantages of the business organizations are being determined by effective management of their human resources. The more effective will be the management of the human resources, the more motivated will be the employees, which will help in enhancing the customer service quality (Purce, 2014). In the given case study, it is been seen that issues regarding the selection of the new employees in the organization are being aroused. This report will discuss about the issues being identified in this report along with analyzing those with the help of various human resource management models and theories. Moreover, different legislations, which will be beneficial and relevant to the identified issues, will also be discussed. Identification of the issues Conflict in the decision making process From the given case study, there are various issues are being identified. One of the key issues being identified is the conflict in the senior management (Vaiman, Scullion Collings, 2012). It is been seen in the case that, the all the stakeholders in the senior management are having difference among their opinions. Conflict in the decision making process is expected in the business organization; however, the communication tone that have been used by the stakeholders is not ethical and ideal. Thus, lack of effective working relationship among them is being identified. Conflict in the selection process Another issue that is being identified is the conflict in selecting the appropriate criterion for selecting new employees. This is considered as the issue due to the reason that, every business organizations should have a particular and singular approach to the selection of the new employees. However, in the case study, it is being seen that, there are differences in opinion among the senior members regarding the ideal approach of selection criterion (Appelbaum, 2013). The logic given by the members regarding the selection criterions is correct from different perspective. However, the differences in the approaches of the members may pose challenge for the organization in the future. Initiation of discrimination Another identified issue is the discrimination among the employees. This is due to the reason that, in the case study, it is being stated by some of the senior members in the organization that the selection of the new employees should be on the basis of the appearance of the candidates (Boone James et al., 2013). Thus, this can pose the issue of employee discrimination for the organization in the future. It may attract legal suits from different parties, which will have negative implication on the organization. Theory of leadership Initiation of the effective theory of leadership will be helpful in analyzing the case. This is due to the reason that, one of the issues being identified is the lack of consensus among the senior management in the organization. According to the theory of transformational leadership, leaders should have the ability to motivate and inspire others along with effectively determining the opinions of other (Avolio Yammarino, 2013). This theory states about the importance of leading with having consensus in the organization. However, in this case, it is been seen that, all the members in the senior management are throwing their opinions towards others without giving importance to others. Thus, leadership theories are not been initiated by the senior members of this organization (Bergman et al., 2012). Theory of team building Lack of consensus in the decision making process is also been identified in the case. It is been seen that, all the senior members are giving diverse opinions regarding the selection process. According to the theory of Tuckmans model of team work, there are few steps to be followed in order to have consensus among the members (Raes et al., 2015). Moreover, according to this theory, the more mutual understanding and cooperation will be among the team members, the more probability will be of the creation of the consensus among the members. It is also been stated in this theory that, members in order to create consensus among themselves should determine the opposite opinions of other members (Perry, Karney Spencer, 2013). However, in this case, these factors are not being followed and thus, the team work in the given organization is not effective and ideal. Approaches of recruitment and selection As discussed in the given case, one of the key issues being discussed is the recruitment and selection process. It is being stated in the case that, members are having differences in their opinions in selecting the ideal recruitment process. This is due to the fact that, some of the members are pushing for merit based selection process of new employees. On the other hand, some other members have given the opinion to include the physical appearance of the employees as one of the key criterion for recruitment (Timming, 2015). Moreover, all the members are having valid points, which are relevant in the contemporary business scenario. One of the theories that can be used for analysis this issue is geocentric approach. In the international human resource management, geocentric approach of selection is being used by the business organization, which refers to the selection of the employees based on the merit and skill set of the employees (Kersiene Savaneviciene, 2015). According to theory, employees are being selected based only on the merit of the employees, rather than determining their nationality and other criterions. However, in this case, some of the senior members are opting for selection based on the physical appearance of the candidates (Bowen, 2016). However, in some business sectors especially in the service sector, where customer service have huge influence, physical appearance of the employees matters most. Thus, in this case, the employees should have proper physical appearance, which will create positive impression among the customers. Legislations related to the employee discrimination As discussed earlier, issues related to the employee discrimination may get originated in this organization. This is due to the reason that, if the employees are being selected based on the physical appearance only, then the employees having unfavorable appearance will feel insecure. Moreover, they will not be selected regardless of their skill, expertise and merit. Thus, it will create issues among the employees in the organization. In addition, there are various legislations are being introduced by the government of Australia in order to prevent the discrimination of the employees. One of the key legislations is the fair work act 2009. According to this legislation, any types of discrimination including the racial and gender discrimination with the employees in their workplace is punishable offence (Stone,CH: 12, 2013). Moreover, committing these discriminations will attract lawsuits for the organization. Thus, according to the given case, if this organization implements the process of selection of new employees only based on the physical appearance, then they also fall under this act and will attract lawsuits. Conclusion Thus, from the above discussion, it can be concluded that, this organization is facing issues regarding the selection and recruitment process of the employees. This report discussed about the various identified issues from the given case. One of the key issues being identified is the conflict in the upper level management and initiation of racial discrimination with the employees. Various theories and concepts are also been used in this report in order to critically analyze the identified issues. Accordingly, all the identified issues from the case are being evaluated in order to recommend various measures, which will help the organization to overcome the issues and enhance their organizational effectiveness. Various recommendations are being provided in this report, which will further help the organization to effectively mitigate the identified issues in their internal management. Recommendations It is being recommended that, this organization should initiate the process of effective business communication for the internal stakeholders. This will help them to effectively communicate with others regarding any issues. Thus, this will reduce the probability of origination of any conflict. Employee feedback mechanism should be initiated in the organization in order to gather feedback from the employees regarding the decision making process in the organization. This will be beneficial due to the reason that, gathering the feedback from the employees will help to create consensus in the decision making process. Moreover, initiation of the employee feedback mechanism will also help the organization to have en effective communication process among the internal stakeholders. The selection process should have multiple approaches rather than having a single approach. This will help to select the employees on the basis of various criterions rather based on just skills or appearance. Thus, there will be less chance of origination of the issues such as the inferior complex among the employees. Equal opportunity and valuation should be given for all the criterions and physical appearance should be treated as added advantages rather being the only criteria for selection. Leadership strategy should be effective and inspirational. This is due to the reason that, if the leadership roles can be played effectively, then there will be less chance of origination of conflict in the management. Thus, the more effective will be the leadership roles, the more influence they will have on the internal stakeholders. References Appelbaum, E. (2013). The impact of new forms of work organization on workers.Work and Employment in the High Performance Workplace,120. Avolio, B. J., Yammarino, F. J. (Eds.). (2013). Introduction to, and overview of, transformational and charismatic leadership. InTransformational and Charismatic Leadership: The Road Ahead 10th Anniversary Edition(pp. xxvii-xxxiii). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Bergman, J. Z., Rentsch, J. R., Small, E. E., Davenport, S. W., Bergman, S. M. (2012). The shared leadership process in decision-making teams.The Journal of social psychology,152(1), 17-42. Boone James, J., McKechnie, S., Swanberg, J., Besen, E. (2013). Exploring the workplace impact of intentional/unintentional age discrimination.Journal of Managerial Psychology,28(7/8), 907-927. Bowen, D. E. (2016). The changing role of employees in service theory and practice: An interdisciplinary view.Human Resource Management Review,26(1), 4-13. Kersiene, K., Savaneviciene, A. (2015). The Formation and Management of Organizational Competence Based on CrossCultural Perspective.Engineering Economics,65(5). Perry Jr, E. E., Karney, D. F., Spencer, D. G. (2013). Team establishment of self-managed work teams: a model from the field.Team Performance Management: An International Journal,19(1/2), 87-108. Purce, J. (2014). The impact of corporate strategy on human resource management.New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals),67. Raes, E., Kyndt, E., Decuyper, S., Van den Bossche, P., Dochy, F. (2015). An exploratory study of group development and team learning.Human Resource Development Quarterly,26(1), 5-30. Stone, R. J. (04/2013).Managing Human Resources 4e. [Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from CH: 12 Stone, R. J. (04/2013).Managing Human Resources 4e. [Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from CH: 10 Timming, A. R. (2015). Visible tattoos in the service sector: a new challenge to recruitment and selection.Work, employment and society,29(1), 60-78. Vaiman, V., Scullion, H., Collings, D. (2012). Talent management decision making.Management Decision,50(5), 925-941.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

What can happen to a fetus when a pregnant women d Essay Example For Students

What can happen to a fetus when a pregnant women d Essay FASrinks heavily during her pregnancy?It can lead to permanent, irreversible and incurable effects that will bring a lifetime of pain for both the child and the family. These permanent and unchangeable effects arise from a fetus attaining fetal alcohol syndrome from its mother. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is a pattern of malformations and disabilities resulting from a pregnant woman drinking heavily during her pregnancy. FAS is unique in that effects on the children are directly linked to maternal drinking habits. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is currently the leading cause of mental retardation in the United States. A baby with FAS can suffer from mental retardation, central nervous dysfunction, organ dysfunction, facial abnormalities and many other effects. At least 5,000 to 10000 infants are born each year in America with FAS. There is a little less then a 50% chance that the new born child, whose mother drank heavily during pregnancy, will be born with FAS. Even if the child is not bor n with FAS, there is a better then 50% chance that the child will have many Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE) from maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy (Berhow 364). Each infant that is born with FAS is a large financial burden. The institutional and medical costs for one child with FAS is an average of over a million dollars during the childs lifetime. Whatever the mother drinks while she is pregnant, the child inside her is drinking. If the mother gets drunk from consuming to much alcohol so will her child. A mothers high risk behavior during pregnancy effects the child more then it might effect her. But FAS is a syndrome that is 100% preventable. The only way to prevent FAS is for a pregnant woman to abstain from drinking alcohol during her entire pregnancy. We will write a custom essay on What can happen to a fetus when a pregnant women d specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now In a broad sense FAS may be viewed as a repercussion of an external environmental influence on the internal physiological environment of the developing fetus (Caleekal). What a mother does to herself externally has an immediate impact on the fetus which lies inside her. If a pregnant woman drinks wine, beer, or any liquor when she is pregnant, her baby could develop FAS, its that simple. The disabilities which stem from FAS will last a lifetime. No amount of alcohol has been proven safe to consume during pregnancy. Heavy drinking on a consistent basis or binge drinking on an occasional basis can produce FAS. A combination of factors determines whether the exposed child will be afflicted with FAS. FAS is not necessarily the result of only full-blown alcoholism but rather it can result from drinking any amount of alcohol in excess of the level to detoxify it thus placing the fetus at risk (Caleekal). A mothers nutritional status and physical well-being might also play roles of varying significance in determining whether an infant is affected, and to what degree, by the prenatal exposure to alcohol (Berhow 364). The most common effects seen is an increase in miscarriages. Babies can also be born at a low birth weight, birth length, and with a small heads resulting from prenatal alcohol exposure. There are many different factors that can produce birth defects from FAS. Agent (alcohol, crack, heroin) Dosage (how much is used), Timing of Exposure (when is it used?), individual factors of mother and child, genetic factors, nutritional factors, metabolic factors are what birth defects are dependent on (Berhow 364). FAS is characterized by three symptoms which affect different areas. The three areas affected are; prenatal and/or postnatal growth retardation, Central Nervous System (CNS) and head and facial abnormalities (Wynbrandt 208). With prenatal and postnatal growth retardation, infants are born weighing less the average newborn and are shorter in length. The central nervous system is composed of the brain and spinal cord. The nervous system develops in the first 8 weeks of child birth, making the most damaging effects result in this period. Damage to this area is displayed through mental retardation and severe learning disabilities. Head and facial abnormalities, facial deformities such as a thin upper lip, absence of a groove between the nose and upper lip and small eye openings. The teeth of individuals with FAS are often